wAbout Us
TT Technologies LLC is a company that offers various solutions in the field of innovative technologies in Azerbaijan.
Our company, in cooperation with a number of international partners, brings the required innovative technologies to our country. Track and Trace is an online portal for government and business organizations in the country, which allows to track the supply chain from producers to the end consumer. TT Technologies LLC has adapted the system to the requirements of the Azerbaijan State legislation to implement the project by integrating it with other state systems.
Our Mission and vision
Ensuring transparency of the entire supply chain throughout entire product lifecycle, by delivering the most comprehensive and effective solutions in Monitoring, Tracking, and Tracing Systems.
To have safe and sound community by protecting interests of producers and consumers.
Supporting Government
government binasi
Track and Trace System is used by governments to control and monitor activities across the entire supply chain, supporting governments in the fight against illegal trade . It facilitates tax collection, protects the interest of citizens, helps to develop local economy and enhance foreign investments.
Supporting Enterprenuers
government binasi
Track and Tracing solutions digitize the entire product movement, providing producers with maximum visibility and control over their supply chain activities and new ways to stimulate interactions with the end-clients.
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